The following species
have been found growing on our live rocks
Chondrilla nucula - chicken liver sponge
Others unidentified sponges present
Crisia sp. - articulated bryozoan
Cryptosula pallasiana - red crust bryozoan
Schizoporella floridana - staghorn
Schizoporella unicornis - single-horn
Millepora alcicornis - fire coral
Agaricia agaricites - lettuce coral
Dichocoenia stokesi - Stoke's star
Manicina areolata - rose coral
Porites astreoides - porous coral
Porites porites - clubbed finger coral
Siderastrea radians - starlet coral
Siderastrea sidereal - reef starlet
Botrylloides sp. - orange sheath tunicates
Other unidentified tunicates present
Chaetopleura opiculata
- bee chiton
Diodora cayenensis
- keyhole limpet
Dictyota sp.
Lobophora sp.
Padina sp.
Sargassum sp.
Stypopodium zonale
Botrycladia sp.
Chondria sp.
Dasya sp.
Gelidiella acerosa
Gracillaria sp.
Laurencia sp.
Mesophyllum mesomorphum (CCA)
Peysonnelia sp.
Polysiphonia sp.
Porolithon pachydermum (CCA)
Acetabularia sp.
Avrainvillea sp.
Caulerpa racimosa
Halimeda goreaui
Halimeda tuna
Halimeda opuntia
Peniccilus sp.
Udotea sp.